Eva Pierrakos, Pathwork Founder
Eva was born in 1915 in Vienna, the daughter of the well-known Austrian novelist Jakob Wasserman. Driven by a private curiosity and a desire for deeper understanding of her world, Eva began to develop the gift of accessing an inner voice, at first through automatic writing and later by speaking in a trance state. In time the inner voice took shape as the authoritative, insightful, and loving persona of the Pathwork® Guide. She pursued the development of her gift with great devotion and perseverance, learning to listen and follow her guidance. Eva considered her ability to give spiritual guidance and to help people in their self-development as her life task.
Eva came to the United States in 1939 and continued her work in New York, giving Guide sessions and an ongoing series of trance lectures. She was a beautiful, vibrantly alive woman with a keen intelligence who enjoyed life in all its aspects. She loved people and animals and enjoyed food, skiing, swimming, and dancing.
In 1971 she married psychiatrist John C. Pierrakos, one of the founders of Bioenergetics and later, Core Energetics. The energetic work became an essential part of the Pathwork and contributed to its expansion.
Eva Pierrakos died in 1979, leaving behind her the rich legacy of more than two hundred and fifty Guide lectures, two flourishing Pathwork centers, and thousands of students and followers of the teachings.
For more on Eva’s, life read her book The Path to the Real Self, available on Amazon.com as a Kindle download.